Last night, I was folding clothes after I did the laundry when my daughter asked if she could help. So I gave her a stack of socks (they were hers!) and told her to help me put them together. Of course I didn't even bother looking at what she was doing. When she was done, she brought the stack of socks that she had organized together and told me she is done. I look at it and to my surprise, the socks are stacked in pairs with matching colors and directions. They were stacked neatly on top of one and the other. I've never taught her how to coordinate things or match them with the same colors, but I don't know how she learned this herself. She must had seen me folding clothes and observed what I did. My husband made a comment that made me laugh so hard. He said "Oh my god, our daughter is OCD just like you!!"
They just like a sponge. They learn stuff quickly. Never know when they learned. My nephew is only 2. One day he suddenly said daddy, dinner time! He imitated and observed what adult did.